Planet Str*ke I: The Sun!

In this series, we’re going to have a little walk through the inner planet astrology of the CUPE3903 2018 Strike

First stop, the SUN!

tl;dr wish big, act bigly; channel the flow; beware martyrdom; seek feminist in(ter)dependence; commune with in/visible committees

Let’s take a look at the birthchart of #CUPE3903 #StrikeToWin.

A chart is a snapshot of the 360° space around the earth at the moment someone is born. Though astrology usually is applied to individualized people, you can make a birthchart for anything, including an event. The chart is like a stage in the round and the planets are like characters (thanks Shaunga Tagore, who taught me this). Let’s talk about the Sun first.

The strike was born at 00:01, 5 March 2018. The strike’s SUN is located at 14° PISCES, which is represented by two fish spiraling each other. The element associated to the strike is WATER (duh!). The quality of that water is MUTABLE (also duh!). PISCES are very creative, and so one of their biggest challenges in early life is creating structure for that creativity to flow/er power/fully. The structure is most stabilizing when it is malleable.

Below is a long interpretation of the Sun specifically in Decan 2 of PISCES
(via DarkStar Astrology). Str*ke brain has me too tired to write all of this up myself.

PS LoL the list of in/famous PISCES Decan 2!

Sun Pisces 2

Achernar 15º ~ ‘To deal with, or live in, a state of crisis, to identify oneself with a crisis. To be in a rapidly changing situation requiring crisis management skills.’ [4] Ankaa 15º ~ ‘One who can remake themselves, the ability to rebuild a life. To be identified with a transcending idea.’ [5]

According to Austin Coppock Sun decan 2 is supposed to do rather well in the material world and bring success due to this decan being associated with the tarot card the Nine Of Cups which is commonly known as “the wish card”. I think this is due to the solar energy bringing out the best of the creative promise here. So many classical composers and folk connected with the stars here! We get a great cocktail of the decan rulers blended with the Sun. Jupiter [BIG FOLLOW-UP ON THIS ONE WHEN WE GET TO JUPITER LATER] brings growth and abundance, the Moon is fertile and imaginative while the Sun can cook up both into a well of creativity. Here there is a good balance of matter (mater=moon) and enterprising spirit (Sun/Jupiter.) “The ability to maintain a harmonious relationship between material and spiritual layers of life is the art of following the tao itself…. Indeed several traditional images (of this decan), suggest that the material riches are the product of spiritual labour” [3].

The Picatrix image for Pisces 2 shows an inverted figure rather like the Tarot’s hanged man, so that “the material and spiritual priorities that have been inverted, and that the figure is grounded in the invisible, rather than upon the earth. Yet the inverted figure offers sustenance, proving that this strange act is not futile.” [3] Again the theme repeats of self-sacrifice and of martyrdom that comes with the Jesus archetype so strong in the decan. Th[ose born under this sign] will sacrifice themselves for their art or for a good cause. But women [feminized people], in particular, need to make sure they don’t totally devote themselves to the man [masculinized people] (Sun) in their life and need to own the talents promised in this decan.

SUN PISCES 2 EXAMPLES: Osama Bin Laden, Mikhail Gorbachev, Alexander Graham Bell, Yuri Gagarin, Patrick Moore, Nicolaus Copernicus, Bernadette Brady, Nicholas Campion, P. D. Ouspensky, Frédéric Chopin, Antonio Vivaldi, Maurice Ravel, George Frideric Handel, Elizabeth Barratt-Browning, Sharon Stone, Juliette Binoche, Rachel Weisz, Jean Harlow, David Niven, Rex Harrison, Gary Numan, Lou Reed, Roger Daltrey, John Bon Jovi, Justin Bieber, Karen Carpenter, Andy Gibb, Bobby Womack, Kate McCann, Aileen Wuoros, Rik Mayal, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Tammy Faye Bakker, Victoria Sackville-West, Piet Mondrian, David Wilcock, Prince Charles/Diana Davison.

[Works Cited]

1 The Astrology of Fate. Liz Green. p.259
2 Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 4, p.243.
3 The 36 faces. Austin Coppock p 252 & p. 254
4 Star & Planet Combinations. p. 67/68
5 Star & Planet Combinations. p. 121

Str*ke Astrology Is Born

Space is the place.
––Sun Ra (1974)

The stars do not tell us our future.
They show us the ever expanding infinity of the past.

The stars made us. When we ask them a question, they answer in our bones. They resonate through the density of our experience.

Str*ke astrology is a place for healing.
Str*ke astrology is a way to make sense.
Str*ke astrology is a circle.
Str*ke astrology asks where we have been and where we might go from there.
Str*ke astrology knows that politics without spirituality is senseless.
Str*ke astrology acknowledges the many ways of making relations.
Str*ke astrology acknowledges the many relations yet to be made.
Str*ke astrology listens to the cosmos.
Str*ke astrology is dancing.
Str*ke astrology does not believe in the primacy of naming.
Str*ke astrology is an offering.
Str*ke astrology is alive.

Str*ke astrology is not about ownership

or authorship
or properties
or determinisms.

Str*ke astrology is about making a new world

out of everything that has been forgotten
out of everything that has been erased
out of everything that we are
out of everything that we do.

Str*ke astrology intuits everything.

Str*ke astrology welcomes you.